Title: Martin Kuriš – Monografie 1997-2017 / Martin Kuriš – Monograph 1997-2017
Author: Martin Kuriš
Authors of curatorial texts: Michal Koleček, Veronika Marešová, Lucie Šiklová
Keywords: monograph, art, Martin Kuriš, FUD GASK GKK, student, Czech English publication
Size: 225 x 320 mm, height
Edice: Monografie
Photos: Martin Polák, Radek Jandera, Tamara Malinská, Adam Pavlíček, Ondřej Janek, Pavel Matoušek, Zdeněk Čvančara
Trasnslation: Autor’s texts translated by Melvyn Clarke, Curatorial texts translated by Stephan von Pohl
Texts proofread: Czech texts proofread by Tomáš Stejskal, English texts proofread by Melvyn Clarke, Stephan von Pohl
Graphic design: Jakub Konupka
Print: PBTisk
Edition: first
Number of pages: 320
Print run: 300 copies
ISBN: ISBN 978-80-7561-139-0
Price: 29 euro
Order the book: kurism@seznam.cz
Publishers: Fakulta umění a designu UJEP Ústí nad Labem, Galerie Středočeského kraje v Kutné Hoře, Galerie Klatovy Klenová a Martin Kuriš
Annotation: The monograph of artist Martin Kuriš is a publication that includes the author’s pictures and text from 1997 to 2017. It contains three basic chapters with three curatorial texts. The chapters are further divided into the art cycles that were created during this period. The publication includes 300 color reproductions of paintings and sculptures. In addition, the author’s text, which relates to the given picture cycles. The monograph is Czech-English publication and is suitable not only for the professional public, but also for young people and students at all levels of schools.